Event: Third Year Survey Camp at DACE Ground from 24.06.2019 to 28.06.2019
Event Date: 24.06.2019 to 28.06.2019

Event: Guest Lecture On “Introduction to Stress and Strain, Thin and Thick cylinder, Shear force and Bending Moment Diagram, Strain Energy etc.,”
Resource Person: Mrs.Saravana Karthika AP/CIVIL from SRM Easwari Engineering college
Year: II Year
Event Date: 24.10.2019
Event: Guest Lecture On “Foundation Engineering”
Resource Person: Mrs. M.Jothilakshmi AP/CIVIL from SRM Easwari Engineering college
Year: III Year
Event Date: 24.10.2019

Event: “Innovative & Sustainable of Association of Civil Engineers (ISAC)”
The Society of Civil Engineers called “Innovative & Sustainable of Association of Civil Engineers (ISAC)” was inaugurated on 31st July 2018 at Mini Auditorium, DACE by the Chief Guest, Mr. Kavinkumar Shanmugam, Director, EPMCR, Chennai. He delivered a lecture on “Digitalization & Automation in Construction Industry”!
Event Date: 31st July 2018

Event: Guest Lecture on importance of design software like “Auto CADD, Auto Steel, Revit Architecture”.
Resource Person: Dr. Rasul Mohideen E, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
Year: IV Year
Event Date: 09.10.2018
Event: Guest Lecture on “Fundamentals of Engineering Geology”.
Resource Person: Mr. Syed Ansar Ahmed, Institute Of Industrial Design
Year: II Year
Event Date: 05.09.2018

Event: Workshop on “Application of 3D Modeling, 2D Drafting, Sketch-up, Manufacturing Drawing & architecture”.
Resource Person: ALTUS CADD TECH
Year: II, III & IV Year
Event Date: 03.08.2018
Event: Seminar on “Transformation of students into competent professionals
Resource Person: Mr. Shameel Ahamed, Aladdin Academy
Year: IV Year
Event Date: 30.07.2018